02/09/09 05:18 PM
2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

We're going to try something a little different.

Pick any 6 drivers with at least 1 driver from each manufacturer. in other words, 1 ford, 1 chevy, 1 dodge, 1 toyota, and 2 wild card drivers. Scoring will be based on their finishing position with low score winning.

You can make 1 driver change per week but must keep 1 driver from each manufacturer.EDIT: This means one NEW driver for a FIRED driver. Any additional changes will be charge a 10 point per transaction penalty. If you post a change that doesn't meet the rule of 1 driver for each manufacturer it will not be allowed. In other words you'll retain the same team as before the change.

If you forget who your team is (Pitbull) just look at the official picks thread and you'll see your team. I'll edit that thread with any changes to the teams. If you try and change a driver that you don't have on your team the change will not happen. Believe it or not it happened a lot (Pitbull) last year

The threads for pick changes will be closed ~ 1 hour prior to the start of the race. In the event that the thread has to be closed earlier, PM me with the changes and as long as its at least an 1 before the drop of the flag I'll post your change to the thread.

This thread will be for the official picks. Good luck!!

02/09/09 05:23 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Biffle - Pheonix
Johnson - Chevy - Vegas
Hamlin - Toyota - Indy
Kurt Busch - Dodge - Bristol

Stewart - Michigan
Martin - Chicago

02/09/09 05:40 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Edwards Ford
Johnson Chevy
Busch Kyle Toyota
Kurt Busch Dodge - Bristol

Wildcard - Jeff Gordon

Stewart - Pheonix

02/09/09 05:46 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

JR Chevy
Edwards Ford
Kyle Bush Toyota
Kahne Dodge

Wild card Johnson
Gordon - Texas

(strangesly aroused)
02/10/09 12:04 AM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Ford- Edwards
Chevy- Johnson
Dodge- Kahne
Toyota - Hamlin - Texas

Wildcard- Jr/Gordon

02/10/09 07:19 AM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Kenseth Ford
Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet
Kahne Dodge - NH
Hamlin Toyota - The Glen

Stewart - Dega
Edwards - Chicago

02/10/09 05:36 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Edwards/ Ford
Johnson/ Chevy
Hamlin/ Toyota - Dover
Kahne - Charlotte

Stewart - Texas
Martin - Indy

(member for now)
02/10/09 06:38 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Edwards - Ford
Gordon - Chevy - Vegas
Kyle Busch - Toyota
Kahne - Dodge


Old Gooser
02/10/09 06:53 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Edwards/ Ford
Martin/Chevy - Atlanta
Kyle Bush/ Toyota
Kurt B/Dodge -- Dega

Stewart- Wild
Gordon - Bristol

Scull 1
02/11/09 03:06 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Johnson/ Chevy
Edwards/ Ford
Kahne/ Dodge
Reutimann/ Toyota


02/11/09 04:22 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Ford/Matt Kenseth
Chevy/Jimmie Johson
Dodge/Kurt Busch
Toyota/Kyle Busch

Wild/Gordon - Vegas
Wild/Carl Edwards

02/11/09 05:29 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Toyota- Hamlin - Dover
Chevy-48 - Vegas
Kahne - Michigan
Gordon - Martinsville
Stewart - Daytona

( FEtch's Son in Law)
02/12/09 05:26 AM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

#24 Chevy
#18 Toyota
#99 Ford
#9 Dodge - Richmond

11 - Richmond (10 pt penalty )

02/12/09 02:35 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Kyle Busch-Toyota

Steward & Jeff Gordon --Wild

02/12/09 03:04 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks


Pitbull said:
#24 Chevy
#48 Toyota
#88 Ford
#5 Dodge


Wanted to make sure these are recorded for further sanctions

02/12/09 05:40 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Thats 30 points in the hole right off the bat.

02/13/09 02:42 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Ford- Edwards
Chevy- Stewart - Dover
Toyota- Kyle Busch
Dodge- K Kahne

WC- Jimmie Johnson
WC- J Gordon - Bristol

02/13/09 05:08 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks


Gumbo_Mud said:
Thats 30 points in the hole right off the bat.

Gumbo, thanks for your interest in the Director of Competition post but we'll have to pass at this time. We here need to make an example of people that blatantly break the rules. With a little more experience I urge you to come back and we'll see what we can do. To give you an idea, the 2 proposals in front of me now are:
1) let smilin pick his drivers for the 1st 5 races, or
2) limit one of his wild card picks to the Bodine bros.

02/13/09 09:26 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Let it be written....let it be known.....here are what we will refer to the rest of the year as -

The Sensational Six!

Kyle Busch (of course) - Toyota
Kasey Kahne - Dodge
Jimmie Johnson - Chevy
Matt Kennseth - Ford

Edwards - Wildcard - Bristol
Jeff Gordon - Wildcard

(little buddie)
02/14/09 02:19 AM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

99--- Carl Edwards--- Ford
18--- Kyle Busch--- Toyota
2--- Kurt Busch--- Dodge
14--- Tony Stewart--- Chevrolet

Kasey Kahne
Jimmie Johnson

02/16/09 02:30 PM
Re: 2009 Cafe Challenge Rules and Official Picks

Posted for Kit Via PM request

Edwards - Ford
Busch - Toyota
Stewart - Chevy
Busch - Dodge

Johnson - Cali
and Gordon

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