(spiritual advisor and gatekeeper to the Spirit World)
09/20/23 01:12 PM
Re: Camera settings, for distance

Dude running is the auto setting for what is called shutter priority
That is where the camera sets the shutter speed and everything else adjusts to get a properly exposed image

Make sure your auto focus is set on continuous focus

When you are ready to go away from the camera pre sets,check your camera manual on how to set shutter speed

You can set a fast shutter speed and freeze motion or a slow shutter speed to blur motion
You go to a fast flowing stream or a waterfall….set slow shutter speed and the water blurs into a very smooth appearance

Or you go to a car race set a slow shutter speed and everything blurs giving a sense of speed….you need to pan the camera to get the car relatively sharp with a blurry background

Or you set a fast shutter speed and freeze the car and the background and the car is sharp
People walking ….sharp photo shutter speed set at 1/500 of a second….slow mo start ar 1/60 of a second

Birds in flight start at 1/1600 of a second and depending on light etc 1/3000 will definitely freeze most birds

I have shot cruising peregrines at1/2500 but I would have really crank if one went into a stoop

Just like a shotgun….swing and follow through………and practice

Now the hard part…….switch your focus to center point or center point zone
Put that on the bird and go for it

Closer the bird…faster you have to be
Once you get that down try it with a long lens……like shooting thru a straw

The new mirror less cameras make this a lot easier…great auto focus systems but you still have to do the job

200 mm lens is short for birds……..get closer or get a 400 mm

For birds…..you can’t get close enough or have a long enough lens

Hopefully,this long post doesn’t confuse you

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