Road Huntn
01/17/06 08:41 PM
Any good golden females out there

I am looking for a good golden Female to stud my male to. he is an excellent hunter and runs a decent HT. He is out of a great Hunting stock. No his cerf and turf has not been checked. I am looking for good Hunting stock not a FT or HT champion.

01/17/06 09:02 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Yea - I know of a few................but..............they are excellent hunters and excel in FT & HT games so I guess you wouldn't be interested.

Probably have those nasty cerfs and terfs too so that would rule them out as well!

Good luck in your quest - I'm sure the offers will be flowing in!

Road Huntn
01/17/06 09:15 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

I have nothing against the Cerf and turf. I just have no plans for my dog. I understand the importance of the certificatiosn. But I feel that my breed of golden is a better for the breed and the certs willnot make a diff in my eyes. Plus there is need for rude comments.

01/17/06 10:03 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

OHHH Great another one of these threads. Where do thes clown come from

01/17/06 10:22 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Mr. Moderator, Mr. Moderator " Help !!!!! STUPID, JUST GOT LOOSE. Please see if we can get him neutered before he passes "Stupid" on to other people on this board.
Thank you,

Road Huntn: To be a sucessful Breeder of Geneticly sound dogs you first have to be smarter than the dogs you trying to breed. In your case, I would reccommend you practise with an Ant Farm, or possibably a pair of earth worms, 'cause you're too stupid to even be around dogs.

(I'd better stop NOW.....before I blow that "new stint" out of my "old heart")


Road Huntn
01/17/06 10:44 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

OhH yea. He I just want to breed my male so I can have try and have some good hunting dogs. If you are not interested then fork yourself if so PM and we can talk further. Please don't take this the wrong way. But I don't want to get caught up in all the Hype on why and why not you should breed a dog. Ifg I want to breed then be it. I have seen plenty of HT or FT dogs that couldn't hold a candle to my golden in a marsh.

01/17/06 10:45 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Hey smart ass I would like to invite you to SMRC HT in april and you can show off your Swamp Collie.

01/17/06 10:47 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there


Road Huntn said:
I have seen plenty of HT or FT dogs that couldn't hold a candle to my golden in a marsh.

how do you train a dog to hold a candle anyway?

Road Huntn
01/17/06 11:01 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Very Carefully On a serious note He is a great hunter that is proven to me and others that he is a great retriever. All I want is nother good hunting

01/17/06 11:58 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Forget the breeding issue...

He said "Good" and "golden" in the same sentence.

Road Huntn
01/18/06 12:06 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

I use to think the same thing. Until I hunted with a guy that had one. I am now sold on the Golden AKA Swamp Collie. They have great noses and they are eager to please. I own 3 males and everyone has been a nice to train. Unlike some of the Chessies I have trained. Which is a whole new post. Never less I am stillwanting to Gunner to a good hunting Golden.

01/19/06 10:31 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Duko: Is that you "Trolling with yer "little dick for bait" again. I thought I told you these boys aren't into "Baby Food" so back off with "Trollin' for Goldens" Ya' got real lucky with "The Hooker" cause you listened a little bit, but this "Golden Chit" is way out of line (even with you Trollin' with your tiny lil' sausage for bait)



01/20/06 06:14 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

RH: if u got 10 buddies that also want pups from your dog and are willing to put up $800 each, we can probably find a suitable wife for your dawg..

01/20/06 06:36 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Now there ya' go RH - a bonifide offer!

And I will guarantee you there aren't many goldens out there that can compete with swampcollies dogs!

01/20/06 07:36 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Hey Swampcollie: That's "One Hell of an Offer" being that your (2) Goldens are in my Top 5 Goldens of All Time, that I have Judged at "The HRC Finished Level". Your "Training Partner" "Bill" owns the 3rd and Cliff and Helen Romain own the rest. There are several more on the AKC side but I'm talking about Goldens I have Judged.
How about it, RH ?????? These are the Top Goldens in the Area and there's your offer. How about an answer??????


01/20/06 08:55 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there


Smokedog1 said:
Duko: Is that you "Trolling with yer "little dick for bait" again. I thought I told you these boys aren't into "Baby Food" so back off with "Trollin' for Goldens" Ya' got real lucky with "The Hooker" cause you listened a little bit, but this "Golden Chit" is way out of line (even with you Trollin' with your tiny lil' sausage for bait)

forget to take your meds? or too many?

01/21/06 01:15 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Hunth2ofowl: That would be a .....Yes.......


Road Huntn
01/22/06 04:12 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Thank you for your Offer. butI don't need your SwampDogs. I have my own and I would never pay $800 for a pup or sell a pup for $800, Especially for pups that are not proven to be anything other than pups. I can buy 6 or 7 other dogs and have just as good of a chance at a good dog. $800 you guys are whacked out of your flippin minds. Hell I only paid $125 for my great Hunting Golden and $300 for my Goldendoodle.


01/22/06 09:03 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

well, good luck in your quest.. finding someone with a really nice female willing to breed and sell pups for $125... I just don't know anyone like that..sorry..
come to think of it, I guess you don't either since you posted the search in here..
where are you located? ought to hook up with one of the several retriever clubs scattered around the state.. there are clubs in st louis, kansas city, springfield, columbia, NW missouri, and SE missouri.

01/22/06 09:12 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

I'm afraid to ask what a Goldendoodle is.


Road Huntn
01/22/06 09:28 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Griff a Golden doodle is a great cross of a golend retriever and apoodle, My girl has serious allergies and the poodle does not shed. So I bought a cross of the two.. She is alsoa great retriever that will smoke these $800 dollar dogs,

01/23/06 05:50 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

now if that goldendoodle is a female???..there ya go.. you got your own in-house breeding.. free breeding and dogs that are better than any of ours.. can't beat that... and I know when you advertise the rest of the litter on here, they will be scarfed up the first day..
problem solved..


01/23/06 06:14 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there


Smokedog1 said:
Duko: Is that you "Trolling with yer "little dick for bait" again. I thought I told you these boys aren't into "Baby Food" so back off with "Trollin' for Goldens" Ya' got real lucky with "The Hooker" cause you listened a little bit, but this "Golden Chit" is way out of line (even with you Trollin' with your tiny lil' sausage for bait)



Did I miss something here????? ED, you better have yer ol' lady re-read the instructions on your medications, cuz I think you're taking way too many at once!

First off, I've been gone the last 5 days trying to kill my first duck. If I were Road Huntin, I'd have to been posting from a duck blind in the middle of Lake Salvador..

Second off, I'm gonna let your "Ya' got real lucky with "The Hooker" cause you listened a little bit" BS slide this time, because I know how over medicated you've been. But next time, I'll tell everyone just exactly "how lucky" I got with the litter!

Course, I know the time I've invested has nothing to do with her preformance....Its all in the breeding right?


01/23/06 06:16 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Well duko didja????? Inquiring minds want to know!

01/23/06 06:25 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

check da other board....

01/23/06 09:18 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

duko said

Second off, I'm gonna let your "Ya' got real lucky with "The Hooker" cause you listened a little bit" BS slide this time, because I know how over medicated you've been. But next time, I'll tell everyone just exactly "how lucky" I got with the litter!
Course, I know the time I've invested has nothing to do with her preformance....Its all in the breeding right?

What I meant to say is "The pup I chose died. "Remember it cost me $350.00 for a Dead pup!
So, how lucky is that????
The pup Joe chose had so many medical problems it probably should have died but did not. It still may have to be "put down". How lucky is that ???? And Yes!!!! You did spend a lot of time training Hooker but you did end up with Damn Nice quality Titled Dog. Is that not correct???? How lucky is that ????

All of this was spoken by "one dopped-up dude" taking way too many prescription drugs. How lucky am I ??

BTW: Was it you Trollin' as "Road Huntn" ????? 'cause nobody can be that "TOTALLY STUPID" unless they were Trollin"


01/23/06 10:25 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Such nastiness....

Road Huntn
01/23/06 10:53 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Trollin what ever craka;s No need too troll. I do think this placeneeds some lightning up. You all are a bunch of anal retentive trainers. Who think like your Pound dogs are the only ones who would better the breed. Clowns

01/23/06 11:35 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

SMRC is having a training day so let us see just how good that dog is.

Road Huntn
01/24/06 12:42 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

what ever!!! grd You can keep those pound mutts, SMRC what is that????? .

Road Huntn
01/24/06 01:13 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Can I bring my Goldendoodle.

01/24/06 01:29 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

It is a retriever club. So bring your dog and we will find out who has a pound mut

Road Huntn
01/24/06 02:15 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Ill tell you what grd. My great Hunting dogs will smoke your dogs in any aspect of hunting. I suppose you have blk lab that is supposed to better the breed as well. You all just crack me up with your high pollutent pound mutts. Money talk and BS walks Biatches. Where is the SMRC bash.

01/24/06 03:57 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there


with your high pollutent pound mutts

01/24/06 09:39 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

money??? much money we talkin about?.. I gots a little 2 yr old, 43 pound golden that will chase a tennis ball about as far as I can throw it... it just might be able to match up with that goldendoodle..

01/25/06 12:48 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there


Road Huntn said:
Ill tell you what grd. My great Hunting dogs will smoke your dogs in any aspect of hunting. I suppose you have blk lab that is supposed to better the breed as well. You all just crack me up with your high pollutent pound mutts. Money talk and BS walks Biatches. Where is the SMRC bash.

Swampcollie: Money, Money, Did anyone say anything about money ???? Ooooops! Looks like our new Professional Trainer of half breed dogs (Toad Huntn) wants to take our money and I'll just bet he thinks he can do it. I wonder just what kind of Dogge contest he'd like to have. Probably with his half breeds he'd want to do a "Tire Pizzen', Car Chasen' Moon howln' ooops!!! I forgot these are Great Hunting dogs.
Well Then, we need to do something like.
1. A "poison bird" Thrown & Shot at 20 yards, before a 110 yard Blind Retrieve is run. "Poison Bird" is picked up after the Blind is run.
2. A Triple with a "Shot Flyer" middle bird. Pickem' up in any order.
3. Now if ya' want this to get real exciting, run the Whole Test on water. I don't think Toad Huntn dog's will do this on water this time of year. That would be unfair to the "Little Guy" and his mutts.
That's a real short sweet Test that should not take but 8-9 minutes to run.

NO Breaking, No Collars, No intimidation, Ducks only! (No bumpers or Tennis balls). Dog is Steady to Wing & Shot or DQ-ed. Only Voice commands and Whistles can be used.

This is a very short compact Test of a Hunting Dog's Duck Hunting Abilities. Now.... Let's talk about the MONEY!! How much money ya' want to put down, Toad Huntn? Remember you said
" Money Talks and BS walks Biatches. "


01/25/06 01:27 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there


Smokedog1 said:

... Only Voice commands and Whistles can be used.


Kinda curious to find out how your dog would know which direction to go on the overs.

Road Huntn
01/26/06 04:30 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

You Pound trainers can make fun of my goldendoodle all you want but the fact remains that I am willing to put up the cash to shut you up. As for Swampcollie I will put my goldendoodle and Golden up against your 43 pound any time. and Little smokey I will be at your training day and show off my great dogs. Like I said i am not that far from there and will be more than happy to take anyones money.

have a great day searching the pounds for your next dogs.

Road Huntn
01/26/06 04:41 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there




01/26/06 06:14 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

See you when you get there Get-R-Done

01/26/06 06:48 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Road Huntn
01/26/06 06:54 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Nope not GRD either.

01/26/06 07:18 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

well, you were certainly right about one talks and BS walks... have a nice walk..

01/26/06 08:44 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

What the hell thats not me so kiss my duko

01/26/06 08:48 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Are goldendoodles good coot dogs?

01/26/06 08:52 PM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Whatever you say Ed.

01/27/06 01:54 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Ed who? And what is their real cafe name???

Road Huntn
01/27/06 02:11 AM
Re: Any good golden females out there

Hey GRd lets not stir the pot HE HE HEHEHHEEEEE

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