11/24/16 02:03 AM
In thiese crazy times in this world....

......I hope each of you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend.

This place, just like all the other places like it because of Facebook, twitter and all the other social media outlets, doesn't get the traffic it used to - but many still check in here from time to time.

Hopefully you can find something positive to be thankful for in the next few days.....I read DjF's post on the deer forum the other day and saw he has found lots to be thankful for lately.

Me, I am thankful we got to go to Fort Jackson last week spend two days with son #2 and watch him graduate from basic. Nice to spend time listening about his adventures. He is now at Sam Houston for 4 months with cell phone access almost daily so communications will be more frequent.

Again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

(little buddie)
11/24/16 02:37 AM
Re: In thiese crazy times in this world....

Happy Thanksgiving Rick...thanks for both your son's service, you have an awesome family!

11/24/16 06:13 AM
Re: In thiese crazy times in this world....

Who the fork is not thankful up in hur? I'll ban their ass.


11/24/16 01:12 PM
Re: In thiese crazy times in this world....

As I get older, and somewhat wiser, I'm beginning to be more thankful for what I have, I wish I had back people and things that I've lost. Everyone, please be thankful for every precious day on this great earth, and be thankful for the men and women such as Ricks boys, and Griffin who help make it a better place for all of us to enjoy what we do on a daily basis. To all LEO, Fire Protection, and military, past, present and future, God Bless you for making our world a safe and better place to live. God Bless each and every one of you that read this, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

(strangesly aroused)
11/24/16 02:59 PM
Re: In thiese crazy times in this world....

HAPPY Thanksgiving to all you ninjas! So many things to be thankful for ....family , friends , my dawg ,health and this great nation!
Going to Arkansas tomorrow to pick up my oldest son in Little Rock and then down to Stuttgart to watch him choke in the second round of the worlds duck calling championship. Then back for 4 days of duck hunting with my other son and grandson.
Now I think I will take drunk!

11/26/16 02:27 PM
Re: In thiese crazy times in this world....

Bleated but... I hope all of you had a great T-Day. I enjoy your company on here and the company of those of you I have met in person over the years. Good people!!

I enjoyed mine with all of the in-laws. For some folks that is torture or at least not pleasant. For me, it is a nice time with some really great quality people. It was here at my house, so it was a little exhausting the week before and the day of but all worth it. My mother moved our T-Day to the Saturday after, about 30 years ago. With 7 kids, in-laws, grandkids, great grandkids, etc... it is a blessing that we all get to be together for Thanksgiving, albeit not on the actual day. I have still found the turkey, dressing, mashed taters, gravy and all the other trimmings to be just as tasty and it sure is nice not to have to rush from house to house on Thanksgiving Day!!

So thankful for all of the blessings in my life. My prayer today is for continued blessings for each of you and yours. I hope the Christmas season brings you plenty of smiles and a little joy to your heart!!

God Bless!!

(Enzyte - one a day!)
12/02/16 05:17 PM
Re: In thiese crazy times in this world....

I was on the road that day things still gotta move and we gotta do it,,,,don't want em to run out of chit paper in DC
Any how I'm thankful for a lot of stuff,,,family,friends,job,health,,faith in the Lord,,without thatI prolly wouldn't have the rest...
ZD is crossing the line from medic to LEO,,,graduates Top of the class 12 -16,,I'm thankful he has a good head on his shoulders and as always pray for his safety,,,he already has multiple job offers,,,for that I am thankful..He will be a good one.
Seems not so many years ago we were dealing with bi-polar when he was in shcool,,,,,not a hint of it since he set out on his own,,Guess it don't take too many body bags to open yer eyes,,,thanks to the first resonders,,,Leo's,,fire,,medics,military,,hell to everybody that makes this great country work,,,,and to all the rest go get a job I'm tired of workin my ass off to pay for your lazy ass....

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