02/27/15 01:52 PM
Jeb Bush

It really upset me that I couldn't vote for Barry Goldwater in '64, but I was only 18 and 21 was the minimum voting age back then. I voted for Tricky Dick in '68 though, and I've voted for the Republican candidate in every presidential election since. Sometimes I held my nose and voted for Republicans I didn't care much for (Ford, G.H.W. Bush, Romney), and sometimes I was enthusiastic (Nixon, Reagan). You might say I'm a real reliable vote for the GOP.

But I'm going on record here - if the party nominates Jeb Bush this time, I'll vote for the Libertarian candidate instead. There comes a ridiculous point at which they might pick a candidate who shares hardly any of my beliefs, and they can lose even me!

02/27/15 02:29 PM
Re: Jeb Bush

I never understood the folks that voted for 3rd party candidates as some sign of protest. The practical reality of a GOP'er that votes for a 3rd party is a vote for the Dems. The same is true for the Dems. If one of them votes 3rd party because they dislike Hillary, it the equivalent of a GOP vote.

I get the frustration and I get the "protest" part of it but it seems sort of childish to ignore the practical reality. What I always ask myself is this: Of the two major party candidates, who is the better one to have as President (or who is the lesser of the two evils, if you prefer). There is ZERO chance a 3rd party candidate is getting elected. Voting for them is like going to the racetrack and betting on the horse with a broken leg or more accurately, betting on a horse that isn't even in the race...

All of that being said, you would really prefer to have Hillary in office over Jeb Bush? I hope so, because that is what you would be voting "FOR".

I am hoping Scott Walker wins the nomination. If not him, some other, young, feisty conservative. A young Reagan, so to speak... I am doubtful that will happen just based of the sad state of the GOP.

(the exterminator)
02/27/15 03:42 PM
Re: Jeb Bush

^^^^^^^^^this. As for Jeb I gotta say, wrong name wrong time.

02/27/15 04:27 PM
Re: Jeb Bush

My opinion of Jeb is the same a his brother and father. Far to liberal and "big-government" for me but a far cry better than any Democrat.

The problem is the idiots running the GOP sincerely think they can win by just being a little less liberal than the Dems. They don't have the balls to define themselves, stand up strong for it and let the American people have clear choice. As a result, we end up with guaranteed loser candidates like Romney, McCain, Jeb Bush, etc...

I predicted the GOP wouldn't have a clue how to take control after they took the Senate and they are proving me right. Obama is making them look like fools because they don't have the balls to take a strong stand, articulate it to the American people and put Obama on the defensive... Boehner and McConnell are gutless wonders. While I disagree with just about everything Obama says and does, at least he has he courage of his convictions and fights for his idiotic policies...

02/27/15 05:25 PM
Re: Jeb Bush

Until we all start voting for a third party it will be the same old crap. Instead of voting for the lesser of 2 evils lets vote for liberty.

(Bond....Timmy Bond)
02/28/15 04:47 PM
Re: Jeb Bush

Basically for me it's voting for the whore that I detest a little less. The "whore" relates to both the candidate and their party. Neither party really represents me, my values or my interests any more. Both parties platforms should have a sign that says "For Sale to the highest bidder". And the candidates who end up running for major political office are basically bought and sold to their party and the interest groups.
If you think differently I have a bridge that you might be interested in..

03/06/15 02:58 AM
Re: Jeb Bush

Will never happen...but people need to stop being (insert vote) Republicans or Democrats and start being (insert vote) American!

Elections aren't far off from everything else in this created culture anymore. We can't have winners and losers-everyone is just entitled to a participation ribbon...and in this case the American public has to settle for the one with the biggest participation ribbon.

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