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Reged: 12/14/05
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Re: Fair Tax Fraud
      11/09/07 01:48 PM

articles by Laurence M. Vance

Laurence M. Vance: Archives

Past articles by Laurence M. Vance on

Don't Enlist
Laurence M. Vance talks to young men.

Should Anyone Join the Military?
No, says Laurence M. Vance.

Blessed Are the Warmakers?
Nope, says Laurence M. Vance.

Should Christians Be Military Chaplains?
Of course not.

St. John the Baptist's Rules for Soldiers
"Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages." Article by Laurence M. Vance.

Is the Federal Government Legitimate?
It originated in an illegal coup, says Laurence M. Vance.

Why Do the Feds Have Two 'Defense' Departments?
Laurence M. Vance on DOD 101.

Not a Dime's Worth of Difference
Laurence M. Vance on non-Paul Republicans.

The Decline and Fall of the Southern Baptists
Laurence M. Vance on what happened.

Trillions Drenched in Blood
Laurence M. Vance on the total cost of the war on Iraq.

War, Gunboat Diplomacy, and Christianity
A believer looks at foreign policy.

The Christian Right Is Wrong
Laurence M. Vance on war, foreign policy, and the church.

Onward, Christian Militarists
Marching to hypocrisy.

The Immorality of the Iraq War
Laurence M. Vance on why conservative Christians should oppose it.

The Unholy Desire of Christians
To legitimize killing in war.

Standing Armies
Laurence M. Vance on the anti-Federalist analysis.

Ron Paul
Will he be the candidate of the Christian Right?

Four Years, Four Plans
And the only right course in Iraq.

The Elastic Clause
The Anti-Federalists on the Constitution.

The Anti-Federalists Were Right
And the Federalist Papers were all wet.

Rogues' Gallery
Laurence M. Vance on senate Republican warmongers.

The Beginnings of Empire
No, it wasn't Iraq.

Update on the Empire
The US now has its legions in 159 countries and territories.

'This Man Wants Your Children'
Parents, beware, says Laurence M. Vance.

A Christian Against the State
Laurence M. Vance on making no apologies for the state, its edicts, or its wars.

They Won't Be Home for Christmas
Laurence M. Vance on the dead.

O Little Town of Baghdad
Laurence M. Vance on Christmas carols for warmongers.

American Anarchist
Laurence M. Vance on Bill Kauffman's Look Homeward, America.

Christians for Slavery
Laurence M. Vance on the religious right and conscription.

What Republican Revolution?
Laurence M. Vance on another conservative myth.

Laurence M. Vance on the conservative state-family complex.

Deadly Oaths
And what a soldier can do.

No, You Can't Have My Daughter
Laurence M. Vance to the National Guard.

Make That the FraudTax
Laurence M. Vance on the "FairTax."

Should We Glorify the Military?
Absolutely not, says Laurence M. Vance, for reasons of morality and freedom.

A Uniform Does Not Absolve You
Laurence M. Vance on the soldier's responsibility.

How Capitalism Saved America
Laurence Vance on The Untold Story of Our Country, From the Pilgrims to the Present, by Thomas DiLorenzo.

Limbaugh Lunacy
Laurence M. Vance on the latest arguments for a failed war.

The Conservative Champs
That is, the top shills for mass killing.

The Hypocrisy of Christian Warmongers
Laurence M. Vance on rampant Hagee-ism.

Those Irritating Liberal Republicans
They turn out to be better than the conservatives.

The Christian Axis of Evil
Laurence M. Vance on serving two masters.

Blasphemy in Song
Laurence M. Vance on the rotten 'Battle Hymn of the Republic.'

Dear Congresscreep
Laurence M. Vance on the "fair"-tax.

Fifty-Four Dead Women
Laurence M. Vance on one unnoted cost of war.

Christianity and the War
Laurence M. Vance on what is to be done.

Uncle Sam Wants You
To die for a lie.

Pray for the Armed Forces
That they stop being a force for instability, death, and destruction.

Intelligent Designer
Laurence M. Vance on why the state hates the concept.

Beam Christians
And the Muslim mote.

Instead of a War Department
Benjamin Rush's plan for a Peace Office.

Steve Forbes Is All Wet
At least on the flat tax.

The President's Prayer
Will it be heard, let alone answered?

Is It Murder or Isn't It?
Laurence M. Vance on killing for the state.

Weapons of Mass Distraction
Laurence M. Vance on red herrings and war.

The Wicked Bible
And the wicked war.

Outlawing Jobs
Laurence M. Vance on the minimum wage.

The Real Reasons To Hate Wal-Mart
And the illegitimate ones.

Is Anyone Listening?
Laurence M. Vance on a stupid and evil war.

Back Up, Christian Soldiers
You are not called to be killers for Caesar, says Laurence M. Vance.

The First Duty of a Christian Soldier

Conservative Republicans Run Congress
Laurence M. Vance on what that has meant.

Do Mutilated Soldiers Think It's 'Worth It'?
Let's ask them, Mr. Bush, says Laurence M. Vance. N.B.: some disturbing photos.

Why You Should Support
Laurence M. Vance explains.

The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
Laurence M. Vance on the state vs. Christ.

The FairTax Scam
Laurence Vance on another big-government trick.

Blessed Are the Warmakers
Laurence M. Vance on Humpty-Dumpty religion.

Today Iraq, Tomorrow the World
Laurence M. Vance exposes empire-denial.

Myths of Slavery
Laurence M. Vance on some untruths we are taught.

The Early Christian Attitude Towards War
Laurence M. Vance on following the gospel rather than the state.

The Anti-Falwell
Laurence M. Vance on an actual Christian minister.

The Rack in Iraq
Laurence M. Vance on nine Republican torture masters.

Stopped-Clock Supremes
Laurence M. Vance on getting it right on Kelo.

It's Not My War
Laurence M. Vance to Patrick J. Buchanan.

The Trouble With Base Closings
They're all in America.

Nationalizing the Parking Lot
And stamping the blue seal of federal power on it.

What They Won't Tell You About Capitalism
Laurence Vance on Thomas DiLorenzo's masterpiece. Read it.

Just Say No to the Army Recruiter
It's a religious duty, says Laurence M. Vance.

US Out of North America
Laurence M. Vance on how much of America the central state claims to own.

Oh Ye of Little Feith
Laurence M. Vance on one of the chief aggresso-cons, Douglas Feith.

Dear Leader
Laurence M. Vance on a president for life.

Think, Christian
Before you join the military, says Laurence M. Vance.

God Bless Our Troops

Killing Heartily in the Name of the Lord
Should you?

State-Sanctioned Murder
A politician's blessing doesn't make it OK, says Laurence M. Vance.

Evangelical Warmongering
It's deeply wrong, says Laurence M. Vance.

Remembering the Fallen
One hundred years ago, 130,000 men were killed ? as usual, for less than nothing.

The Religion of George WMD Bush
An Evangelical perspective, from Laurence M. Vance.

The Fair Tax Fraud
Laurence M. Vance on yet another scheme to distract us from the Lower Tax.

War on His Mind
And on the minds of his victims.

The Warmonger's Beatitudes
Laurence M. Vance on the Bible of the religious right.

What's Wrong With the Empire?
Why shouldn't the US have one?

The Curse of the Withholding Tax
Thanks, Milton Friedman.

The Republican Welfare State
Yet again.

Are You a Christian Warmonger?
Take the test.

Are Conservatives Na?ve?
Or just plain stupid?

Stato-Libertarian Scam
Laurence M. Vance on school vouchers.

Against Christian War Fever
Laurence M. Vance on Charles Spurgeon.

Hebrew Midwives vs. Christian Soldiers
Laurence M. Vance on what to do when the state orders you to kill.

Libertarian Welfare
Laurence M. Vance on school vouchers.

The Religious Case for the State
Mises debunked it, says Laurence M. Vance.

Libertarian Welfare
Laurence M. Vance on school vouchers.

Killed for Refusing To Kill
Laurence M. Vance on the execution of Pvt. Eddie Slovik, RIP.

The Meaning of Republican Rule
Exalting and expanding the state.

George 'Veto' Bush
Don't you dare call him that, says Laurence M. Vance.

The Native American Criminal Class
Laurence M. Vance on Congress.

Religion and Organized Killing
Laurence M. Vance on Christianity and war.

The Murdering State
Laurence M. Vance on the central principle of government (aside from theft).

15 Lies the State Tells
Laurence M. Vance on the nature of the US government.

Stop the Killing
Laurence M. Vance on Christmas 1914, and 2004.

Gott Mit Uns?
Laurence M. Vance on religion and war.

The So-Called Civil War
Laurence M. Vance on Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: Economics of the Civil War by Mark Thornton and Robert B. Ekelund.

Onward, Christian Killers?
An Evangelical view from Laurence M. Vance.

Fundamentalist Foolishness
Laurence M. Vance on Bob Jones.

Mises on Muslims
Laurence M. Vance on what the great economist had to say about Islam.

Pious Fraud
Laurence M. Vance on Bush the pro-lifer.

Should a Christian Join the Military?
Maybe not.

The Empire Has Troops in 150 Countries
Not counting embassy guards. Laurence M. Vance reveals what the Pentagon wants hidden.

Jefferson on the Evils of War
He believed in "peace, commerce, honest friendship with all nations, and entangling alliances with none." Article by Laurence M. Vance.

Cato on War and Standing Armies
Laurence Vance on Cato's Letters, the pamphlets that helped inspire the American Revolution.

Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship
With all nations, entangling alliances with none. Laurence Vance on Jeffersonian principles.

All Hail Free Trade
And one of its great champions, Henry George.

Deliver Us From Sean Hannity
Laurence M. Vance on the neocon twerp from FOX.

The Myth of Republican Conservatism
Laurence M. Vance shows us the numbers.

The Horrors of War
You have no idea, says Laurence M. Vance.

Neocons Want Higher Gas Taxes
Laurence M. Vance on some dangerous nonsense.

Jefferson on Napoleon
He was never fooled by the monster, says Laurence M. Vance.

Republican Tax-Welfare
Laurence M. Vance on the Earned Income Tax Credit.

The War To End All Wars
Laurence M. Vance on the Anglo-French war on Russia.

The Bases of Empire
Laurence M. Vance on how the state tries to disguise its claws.

The US Has Troops in 135 Countries
A long, dark way from the commercial confederacy of the framers.

The Evil of Standing Armies
Laurence M. Vance on the American Brutus.

The Seven Follies of Falwell
Laurence M. Vance vs. the bloodthirsty Rev.

The Moral Case for Free Trade
It buttresses peace and prosperity, says Laurence M. Vance.

Lincoln the Dictator
Laurence M. Vance on what Chief Justice Taney tried to do about it.

The Hampton Court Conference
Laurence M. Vance on the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible.

Countering the Lies of Fox and Limbaugh
Laurence M. Vance on eight facts about Iraq.

Voucher Welfare
Laurence M. Vance on market-based socialism.

Christianity and War
Laurence Vance on another sort of evangelical perspective.

I'm just saying

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* Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender 11/09/07 01:36 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 01:48 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 01:56 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender   11/09/07 02:32 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 02:13 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender   11/09/07 02:21 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 02:27 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 02:32 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 02:44 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender   11/10/07 11:39 AM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/10/07 12:06 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender   11/10/07 06:59 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/10/07 09:32 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender   11/11/07 04:42 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Ozark   11/10/07 10:03 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 02:49 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 02:53 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud SwampFoxModerator   11/09/07 03:32 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 03:57 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Hellbender   11/09/07 05:34 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud Liberty   11/09/07 05:59 PM
. * * Re: Fair Tax Fraud cook   11/10/07 10:42 AM

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